sexual harrassment 1
Sexual Harrassment Prevention
· Read Evaluating a Training Program: A Case Study on pages 160-166 and then answer the following questions:
1. Create 2 more SMART goals for this training
2. Explain what the “mean” for pre and post training is and why are these figures important?
3. Using the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model did the training achieve the desired results? Why or why not?
4. Where there any unexpected findings from this training? If not, why do you think the results were expected?
5. Which levels of information were collected and used in the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model? Explain why or why not each level was or was not used
6. Must be submitted as an attachment (Word or Apache Open Office only
- Professor example
· Create a Word (or Apache Open Office) document with your name at the top. Copy and past the five assignment questions below then plug in your answers. Each answer will come out to be about a paragraph or two of information.
· 1. Create 2 more SMART goals for this training (There are currently two SMART Goals for this training on page 160. Using the information about SMART goals earlier in the textbook as a guide, write two more in the exact same format as the first two on page 160)
· 2. Explain what the “mean” for pre and post training is and why are all these figures important? (This is pretty self-explanatory. Explain what the “mean” is and also why is it so important to compare the training data from before (pre) and after (post)?)
· 3. Using the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model did the training achieve the desired results? Why or why not? (You’ll need to read about the Kirkpatrick Model (levels) in Chapter 7 and use it as a guideline to answer the questions)
· 4. Where there any unexpected findings from this training? If not, why do you think the results were expected? (Self explanatory. Information can be determined from the case study on pp 160-166)
· 5. Which levels of information were collected and used in the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model? Explain why or why not each level was or was not used. (Once again, this information is centered on the Kirkpatrick Model in Chapter 7. The difference here is you need to talk about the four levels and why/why not each level was used/not used. Be sure to address each of the four levels).