week 9 discussion2
The Financial System” Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity, analyze the average return for the past five years of the mutual funds you chose. Compare and contrast the funds’ performances over the five-year time period. Provide examples with your response. Then, assume you operated a firm and were seeking to invest some of your company’s profit. Determine which one you would purchase as a part of your company’s portfolio. Provide a rationale.
- e-activity Assume you are investing money for retirement. Select several investment criteria that are most important to you. Go to the MSN Money Website. Click “Mutual Funds” (under “Investing”), then choose either “Find top performers by category” or “Find using Power Search” located under “Fund Finder.” Select three mutual funds that most closely meet your investment criteria and research each fund’s average return for the past five years. Be prepared to discuss.
- After reviewing Case Study 16.3, analyze the benefits and drawbacks of treating coffee as a commodity in the marketplace. Speculate if the artisan coffee business model will be successful in the long run. Provide examples and a rationale with your response.
Case Study
Fair Trade has always been part of my legacy in coffee,” says RikKleinfeldt, president and co‐founder of Rhode Island‐based New Harvest Coffee Roasters. “That’s where I started with New Harvest.” But in less than a decade, New Harvest’s business model has evolved beyond Fair Trade to something different.