socket programs perl
In this assignment, you learn to write a socket program in Perl. You are introduced to some of the major issues involved in Perl network programming.
Using the Online Library or the Internet, research the following:
- Socket programming in Perl
- Perl network programming
Based on your research and understanding, complete the following discussions:
Part 1
A blocking call consumes more resources, and it is definitely advantageous to make a blocking call nonblocking. Based on this, complete the following tasks:
- Identify some methods to make a blocking call nonblocking. Discuss the key difference(s) amongst these methods.
- Use a simple client-server example to illustrate your methods.
Part 2
Write a Perl program to address the following:
- It creates a file and writes the integer zero to the file.
- The program then calls a fork to spawn a child process.
- The parent and child processes alternate incrementing a counter in the file.
- Each time the counter is incremented, print to the console which process, parent or child, is performing the increment.
- Each process should tell the other process when it has finished its operation. Each process should wait for the other to complete before incrementing the counter.
- The maximum value to which the counter can be incremented is taken as an input from the user.
- Discuss any challenges that you have faced in writing your program.
Optional: For this assignment you can write pseudocode if you like.
Grading Criteria
** Quality of initial posting
** Writing mechanics (spelling,grammar and APA format) use of abstracts and information literacy.
DUE: OCTOBER 10, 2014