qa need it tonight or tomorrow morning
Choose four of the criteria for developing concept explorations. Explain why these are important.
Discuss how you can create an environment for young children that promotes using the five senses.
How can the five senses be incorporated into everyday learning environments?
Using a website of your choice, search for a picture book that is developmentally appropriate. Once you find an appropriate book, create three science centers, and be prepared to share the centers during Seminar.
Select a valuable science learning station similar to the ones in your text that you can implement in your classroom and include a description of the station.
Your description should:• include the age group the activity is geared to: 0–4months, 5–12 months, 2–4 years old, or 5–8 years old
• share what the students will do at the station and what you expect them to learn
• discuss how to create environments that capture the curiosity and interest of young children and how to incorporate the five senses
• Share how you would prepare engaging explorations that focus on different science topics. What are some ways to find out the children’s interests?