presentation 5
Purpose: The purpose of this experiential assignment is to utilize your knowledge of persuasive speaking in a mini “sales” presentation. Please illustrate your knowledge of incorporating a complete argument in a sequential format. In addition, please utilize your knowledge of figurative language while preparing and delivering this assignment.
my topic is omega3( fish oil)
Guidelines for speech
- Choose an item from your home (something small – you will need to bring this item to class).
- Create a two minute speech using Monroe’s motivation sequence.
- Attention
- Need
- Satisfy
- Visualization
- Action
- Please think about what you are going to say before it is time for you to present. I will be able to tell if you put time into this assignment.
- Please prepare a full sentence preparation outline, identifying each step in Monroe’s motivated sequence.
- You will submit a keyword (speaking outline) on a 3 x 5 index card. You may use this outline while delivering your speech.
- Your speech should be 1 – 2 minutes in length.