history homework interview

need this one by Monday 16:00 eastern time I have also attached a tittle page to be used;





Choose from the following options:


Option 1: Reagan Remembered Interview


Conduct an interview with someone who remembers Ronald Reagan and the 1980s.


·         Identify someone who would be willing to share their recollections with you.

·         Arrange the interview at least several days in advance to allow your interviewee time to prepare.


Formulate questions based around each of the following topics, and interview your person to obtain answers for each. Doing your own background research may help to keep the interview moving forward.


·         Economic policies

·         Principles of the New Right

·         Iran Contra affair

·         Social security and other social programs

·         Raising the debt

·         Military spending

·         Cutting the size of the government

·         Attempted assassination

·         Hostages coming home

·         Religious Right

·         Supply-side economics

·         Tea Party movement roots during the Reagan period



Option 2: Political Commentator Interview


Write the transcript of an interview with Ronald Reagan as if you were a Sunday morning political commentator and Ronald Reagan were alive today.


Watch “Ronald Reagan Presidency and Television” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.


Formulate questions based on each of the following topics and then write the answers that you believe Reagan would have given. Use at least some of Reagan’s original language in answering your questions.


·         Economic policies

·         Principles of the New Right

·         Iran Contra affair

·         Social security and other social programs

·         Raising the debt

·         Military spending

·         Cutting the size of the government

·         Attempted assassination

·         Hostages coming home

·         Religious Right

·         Supply-side economics

·         Tea Party movement origins

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