case study 2 pages

Compose a brief overview of a mock program, using the materials provided in the scenario. You will have to do some research and complete the brief 2 page project overview. While you will have some “creative license” to complete the fictional project overviews. Point swill be given on the basis of Program development skills in the process of structuring your outcomes. I have attached an example of an actual project brief from Kaiser Permanente, to serve as your guide. You may add a small visual chart, such as a SWOT analysis, although this cannot take up more than 1/6 of your page.


Tree Top Home Healthcare



TreeTop Home Healthcare has identified the need to expand its market in three major city locations in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Treetop recognizes that the need for home health service will increase, as baby boomers are reaching retirement age.  In spite of medical advances, members of the baby boomer generation are in worse health than their parents were at the same stage of life, with obesity and lack of exercise taking a toll, according to a U.S. study.   With life expectancies rising and the healthcare needs of an aging population growing, the demand for home healthcare is expected to grow through 2050.  


Develop a effective marketing strategy that aligns with Treetop’s Mission  statement “Serving our community’s health care needs by contributing to the quality of life and well-being of people living within our service area through a cost-effective continuum of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative services”.

Work with third parties to take advantage of targeted marketing in Canyon County,Simi Valley, and Pasadena.

(targeted marketing should be detailed under actions taken)


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