business low class 0

This is for Mr. Allen :


I want you find sloution for this problem 


 ( Thacker.v.Menard’s ) . here 2 picheiers for the assigmint . 2 pages.


Please use this style as a role in this paper  : 


This will be the rubric used to evaluate your case submissions with the one exception that is noted in the Module 5.


IRAC Grading Rubric




IRAC/Case Analysis Rubric






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Clearly identifies the relevant issue of the case

5 pts

Identifies the issue but is not a clear and concise statement

4 pts

Can see an issue but does not properly address it

3 pts

Having difficulty concentrating on the issue.

2 pts

Does not understand the issue

1 pts

No Marks

0 pts



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Concisely states the rule

5 pts

Mostly states the rule

4 pts

Partially states the rule

3 pts

Vaguely states the rule

2 pts

Does not state the correct rule

1 pts

No Marks

0 pts



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Clearly shows an understanding how the law applies to the facts.

5 pts

States how the facts and the law relate

4 pts

Does not clearly state how the facts and law relate

3 pts

Does not connect the facts or the law

2 pts

Unable to apply the law to the facts

1 pts

No Marks

0 pts



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Clearly and Concisely states the conclusion

5 pts

States a good conclusion

4 pts

States a conclusion that is not concise but still on point

3 pts

States a conclusion

2 pts

Does not state a conclusion

1 pts

No Marks

0 pts



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What you learned

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Clearly states what the case taught you

5 pts

States what the case is about (paraphrases case)

4 pts

States the case verbatim or interjected personal feelings into the response

3 pts

States ideas not connected to the case

2 pts


Did not understand the case.

1 pts

No Marks

0 pts



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Content and Quality Connections

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Response is thoughtful, contains substantive insight and analysis in relation to topic. makes strong connections to readings, lecture, experience, workplace

5 pts

Response(s) demonstrate significant understanding. Robust insight and analysis. Evidence of connections.

4 pts

Content response is accurate but superficial. Some responses may be off topic. Acknowledges connections exist.

3 pts

Lacks depth; responses too general, conclusory, simplistic in nature. Some aspects of response are off topic. Posts lack connections.

2 pts

Interjected emotional responses, personal feelings, and /or beliefs in analysis

1 pts

No Marks

0 pts



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Total Points: 30


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