assig 2 please write minimum two papers essay following questions

Please write a minimum of two papers essay for the following questions:


Reference book:



Jacobs  F. Robert; & Chase Richard B. (2010). Operations and Supply Management: The Core. 2nd Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-340333-5



  • Solve Chapter 4 Problem 7 (First Edition) or   Chapter 4 Problem 9 (Second Edition) or Chapter 6 Problem 9 (Third Edition).
  • Based on the Example “Customer in Line” (Example 7.1) from the Service Process Chapter solve the following problem:
    • Subway has a drive through window for customer service. A recent study shows that the customers will arrive at a rate of 10 per every half hour. As result of a time study the time to serve a client is 2 minutes per client.
    • Assuming a Poisson arrivals and Exponential serving, find:
      • Utilization of the Window Attendant
      • Average Number of clients in the waiting line.
      • Average Number of clients in the system.
      • Average waiting time in the line.
      • Average waiting time in the system including service.
    • Note: the units should be in hours.
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