Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography
Prepare an Annotated Bibliography, using at least 12 recent references ( within the last five years or less), on one of the following topics:
By Friday, November 15, 2013, summarize key points or lessons in a PowerPoint presentation and submit it to the appropriate Discussion Area.
To consolidate your work, by Saturday, November 16, 2013, you should submit a three-page, single-spaced paper with your complete annotated bibliography to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox. This written assignment, as well as all other submissions, should follow APA Guidelines including a cover page and using correct citations; it will not contain a reference page. Each article will be different, but you should anticipate a half-page (single spacing) summary for each article. Be sure to properly cite in the presentation. Keep in mind that the annotated bibliography, if done strategically, can assist in large part with developing your LASA in Module 7.